I open this thread so we can track all the issues related to the new table that we introduced in version 3.
I start with the know issues
Table crash when -Data is empty.
we know and we are working on fixing this bug.
when we build this table we only give the option that data can be empty if you are using server-side, that’s meant using parameter -LoadData
and Out-UDTableData
, we didn’t think of empty data when the data is static.
PageSize and PageSizeOptions
those are fixed and the fix will be in the up coming release.
Row selection
in order to use row selection, you need to use the parameter -OnRowSelection
inside the row selection script block, you have access to $EventData, it should hold all the info about the selected row.
this script block only runs when you select a row NOT deselect the row.
if you want to get all the selected rows from the table you need to use Get-UDElement -Id in the return object you will have a property named SelectedRows, that holds all the selected rows as objects.
You don’t see the table id in the HTML code
this is a bug and was fixed, the fix will be in the upcoming release
people using this id to style the table or to get access to nested table nodes for styling.
Export data
the export option in the new table have 2 properties that build the all export stuff
on the New-UDTable you have a switch parameter named -ShowExport or alias -Export this will control if the table display an export button or not
the second part is on the column, New-UDTableColumn has a property named -IncludeInExport or alias -Export this control when you export the data if that column show is included in the export.
if you only specified -Export on the New-UDTable and didn’t use -IncludeInExport on any column you will get an empty file with no data. so please use -IncludeInExport for the columns that you want to.
Search data
the search option in the new table has 2 parts
on the New-UDTable you have a switch parameter named -ShowSearch or alias -Search this will control if the table displays the search input control button or not
the second part is on the column, New-UDTableColumn has a property named -IncludeInSearch or alias -Search this control if this column will be searchable
if you only specified -Seach on the New-UDTable and didn’t use -IncludeInSearch on any column you won’t see any results when searching.
We are working on updating and adding new examples related to the new-udtable in our docs
if you have any issue with the New Table please post the issue here