April 30, 2021, 2:18pm
It seems the UD-Table component has only a onrowselection event. Is there a way to detect when a row is unselected ?
No, but we could add this.
Is it possible to hide “Toggle all rows selected” ?
No, but we could provide an option.
It seems that when “Toggle all rows selected” is checked, the onrowselection event doesn’t fires, it it a bug or by design ?
This is a bug.
Is it possible to disable the multiple selection behavior ?
No, but we could provide an option.
Is there a way to highlight a row when the mouse pointer is over ?
I think we could add some sort of styling support for rows so that we could make this happen.
Is there a way to color the background of a row on selection ?
No, but we could provide an option.
Can we change the background and foreground colors of the column headers ?
You should be able to do this with the -Style parameter of New-UDTableColumn
If you want to open issues for this on the GH repo, feel free: GitHub - ironmansoftware/issues: Public Issue tracker for Ironman Software
April 30, 2021, 2:29pm
I opened issues for these items.
opened 02:25PM - 30 Apr 21 UTC
PowerShell Universal
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
An event i… s provided when a row is selected but not unselected.
opened 02:26PM - 30 Apr 21 UTC
PowerShell Universal
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Add an opt… ion to hide toggle all rows selected.
opened 02:27PM - 30 Apr 21 UTC
PowerShell Universal
**Describe the bug**… questions/4838/2
Version Number: 1.5.16
Dashboard Framework (if applicable): Latest
Operating System:
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.
Please upload a log. Logs are found in $Env:ProgramData\PowerShellUniversal\log.*.txt by default.
opened 02:27PM - 30 Apr 21 UTC
PowerShell Universal
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
opened 02:28PM - 30 Apr 21 UTC
PowerShell Universal
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
opened 02:29PM - 30 Apr 21 UTC
PowerShell Universal
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Thank you, I have seen some of the requests are closed and should be available in the 1.5.19 version but where can I find information about these new features plz ? It seems the documentation is not updated.
May 20, 2021, 11:08am
I just added these parameters to the docs:
Disables the toggle all rows when using selection
I’ve added information about changes to the -OnRowSelection
event here: Table - PowerShell Universal
For more information on what else changed, you can look at the changelog:
It works perfectly thank you