Since upgrading to 1.5.0 I have noticed a lot of changed done to New-UDTable, which, at least for me, seems to have broken some things.
First “-Id” doesn’t seem to be set on the element in the HTML code.
“-PageSize” and “-PageSizeOptions” seems to be ignored.
There is also a default sorting on the first column that wasn’t there before.
When I create a new table and set the -Id parameter New-UDTable -Id "UDTable"
And I then check the Html code for the table, there is no “Id” anymore, before when using the -Id parameter, if I remember it correctly, it would be wrapped in a “div” with that Id.
I noticed this because I use some CSS to change my tables.
I also just noticed that if the data in “-Data” is empty I now get a React error.
I think that before it showed the table, but with “No data” or something similar.