[Resolved] New-UDTable does not work with selection

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 1.5.0 (358714472	Thu, 12 Nov 2020 00:35:06 GMT )
Product: Universal Dashboard 3.2.0

Hello, trying to use Selection the table component from here ( https://docs.ironmansoftware.com/dashboard/components/data-display/table#selection )
but i get an error. the log is this:

[11-12-20 12:07:23 PM] An error occurred: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘ShowSort’.

Endpoint: 1176d45b-22ce-4ff1-90ff-9f79d7b010ad

Session: 547b3b85-132f-4016-9122-c25d4f5fb2fb

File: C:\ProgramData\UniversalAutomation\Repository\Coues.ps1

Endpoint Start Line: 30

Endpoint End Line: 47

Stack Trace: at , : line 4

[11-12-20 12:07:23 PM] An error occurred: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘ShowSort’.

Endpoint: 1176d45b-22ce-4ff1-90ff-9f79d7b010ad

Session: 547b3b85-132f-4016-9122-c25d4f5fb2fb

File: C:\ProgramData\UniversalAutomation\Repository\Coues.ps1

Endpoint Start Line: 30

Endpoint End Line: 47

Stack Trace: at , : line 5

[11-12-20 12:07:23 PM] An error occurred: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘IncludeInExport’.

Endpoint: 1176d45b-22ce-4ff1-90ff-9f79d7b010ad

Session: 547b3b85-132f-4016-9122-c25d4f5fb2fb

File: C:\ProgramData\UniversalAutomation\Repository\Coues.ps1

Endpoint Start Line: 30

Endpoint End Line: 47

Stack Trace: at , : line 6

[11-12-20 12:07:23 PM] An error occurred: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘IncludeInExport’.

Endpoint: 1176d45b-22ce-4ff1-90ff-9f79d7b010ad

Session: 547b3b85-132f-4016-9122-c25d4f5fb2fb

File: C:\ProgramData\UniversalAutomation\Repository\Coues.ps1

Endpoint Start Line: 30

Endpoint End Line: 47

Stack Trace: at , : line 7

[11-12-20 12:07:23 PM] An error occurred: Cannot bind argument to parameter ‘Columns’ because it is an empty array.

Endpoint: 1176d45b-22ce-4ff1-90ff-9f79d7b010ad

Session: 547b3b85-132f-4016-9122-c25d4f5fb2fb

File: C:\ProgramData\UniversalAutomation\Repository\Coues.ps1

Endpoint Start Line: 30

Endpoint End Line: 47

Stack Trace: at , : line 9

my code is this

New-UDDashboard -Title “Coeus” -Content {

$Data = try { get-service -ea Stop | select Name,@{n = "Status";e={ $_.Status.ToString()}},@{n = "StartupType";e={ $_.StartupType.ToString()}},@{n = "StartType";e={ $_.StartType.ToString()}} } catch {}

$Columns = @(

New-UDTableColumn -Property Name -Title "Service Name" -ShowSort -IncludeInExport -IncludeInSearch -ShowFilter -FilterType text

New-UDTableColumn -Property Status -Title Status -ShowSort -DefaultSortColumn -IncludeInExport -IncludeInSearch -ShowFilter -FilterType select 

New-UDTableColumn -Property StartupType -Title StartupType -IncludeInExport -ShowFilter -FilterType select

New-UDTableColumn -Property StartType -Title StartType -IncludeInExport -ShowFilter -FilterType select 


New-UDTable -Id ‘service_table’ -Data $Data -Columns $Columns -Title ‘Services’ -ShowSearch -ShowPagination -ShowSelection -Dense -OnRowSelection {

$Item = $EventData

Show-UDToast -Message "$($Item | out-string)"


New-UDButton -Text “GET Rows” -OnClick {
$value = Get-UDElement -Id “service_table”
Show-UDToast -Message “$( $value.selectedRows | Out-String )”

I am doing something wrong or am i missing something ?

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Resolved, i just needed to edit the properties of the dashboard to run with “Latest Version”, not 3.2.0.

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