I got the license installed via the PowerShell command which is now in
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\PowerShell Pro Tools\license.lic
It’s showing the icons in the top right corner (PS Script Pad and Form Designer etc.) but they throw a error “command ‘powershell.showWinFormDesigner’ not found”.
The language mode still says PowerShell and not PowerShell Pro Tools (e.g. from this tread Powershell pro Tools in vsCode - Not working - PowerShell Tools - Ironman Software Forums).
Clicking the refresh icons in the left extension menu shows
“Error running command astView.refresh: command ‘astView.refresh’ not found. This is likely caused by the extension that contributes astView.refresh.”
I thought i’d see what happens if i updated to the latest version just to see if Script Pad and the Form Designer worked and they did. The language mode also shows PowerShell Pro Tools as well and not just PowerShell. Going back to my license shows the errors again.