Okay. MS Code and PSP Tools have been upgraded to the latest release but now when it attempts to load I get a licensing error. This computer has a trial license on it that expired over the weekend but yesterday I purchased a license and
when I enter my new license code it fails.
PS C:\Users\a6363> Import-Module ‘c:\Users\a6363.vscode\extensions\ironmansoftware.powershellprotools-5.7.1\out\PowerShellProTools.VSCode.psd1’ -ArgumentList @($true)
Starting server with PSScriptRoot: C:\Users\a6363.vscode\extensions\ironmansoftware.powershellprotools-5.7.1\out
PS C:\Users\a6363> Importing PowerShell Pro Tools module.
Importing PowerShell Pro Tools for VS Code module.
Starting server with PSScriptRoot: C:\Users\a6363.vscode\extensions\ironmansoftware.powershellprotools-5.7.1\out
PoshProTools runspace already exists. Not starting server.
Starting named pipe server.
Received command:
Exception in server: System.IO.IOException: Pipe is broken.
at System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream.CheckConnectOperationsServer()
at System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream.WaitForConnection()
at PowerShellToolsPro.Cmdlets.VSCodeHelpers.StartServer(String psScriptRoot)
Received command: Install-PoshProToolsLicense -License ‘redacted’ -StoreInMemory
Output is not null. Writing output (98 bytes).
Received command: Get-PoshProToolsLicense | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ UserName = _.UserName; EndDate = .EndDate.ToString(); IsTrial = $.IsTrial; Status =
$_.Status.ToString() } } | ConvertTo-Json
Output is not null. Writing output (98 bytes).
Received command: Install-PoshProToolsLicense -License ‘redacted’ | Out-Null; Install-PoshProToolsLicense -License ‘redacted’ -StoreInMemory | Out-Null; Get-PoshProToolsLicense | ConvertTo-Json
Output is not null. Writing output (98 bytes).