Universal Automation v1.1.0

I’m happy to announce Universal Automation v1.1.0!

It provides a new dashboard, MSI installer, Docker container, enhanced pipeline output tab and a bunch of bug fixes.

Find out more here: https://ironmansoftware.com/universal-automation-1-1-0/

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I apologize if this is an ignorant question, but is there a trick to getting the new dashboard look? I installed v1.1.1 of UA and v1.0.1 of UniversalAutomation.Dashboard but still see the old look.

Oh, no! I just realized that the dashboard was tagged with a pre-release flag.

1.1.1-Alpha1 (current version)

It should have been 1.1.1. I didn’t notice this when we published. I will publish a new version right now to resolve this. You’ll be able to use dashboard 1.1.1.

Whew! I thought it was just me :smiley:. Right on, thanks Adam!

Hey Adam,

Are you able to successfully use the -OrderBy and -OrderDirection params when running Get-UAJob? Seems as if they are being ignored based on my results.

I’m seeing the same thing. I’ve opened an issue for it and I’ll see if I can get it resolved for the next version.