Unable to see Page Designer in App section

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.0.8

Hi All,

Ive installed the free version of Powershell Universal.

To start I’ve created an App, when I edit the app I don’t see any of the designer options, just the code window. Am I doing something wrong?

I have noticed this as well. @adam was this feature removed in 5.0? All documentation still shows the availability and screenshots for it, but the last documented reference I can find to the designer feature is from 4.1.2 on your YouTube series. There’s a comment on the video complaining about this very thing as well.

Manually visiting /apps/Designer/<app name> returns a 404, as shown here:

The designer was removed in v5. There is actually a depreciation warning in v4. As for the screenshots and docs, I’ll have to do a bit of clean up there. If you have specific links, please pass them along.

I thought there were more but it seems like my brain was tricking me - I think the main documentation out-of-date issues are in the cmdlet references which I have seen getting updates over time anyways. The only real reference I can find, which would spin some folks out expecting this UI, would be in the main Pages documentation.

Preface - I use PoshGUI to build GUI based scripts using a drag and drop designer, my goal was to transfer this experience to PSU. I did a POC on 4.x, where I demonstrated to management how we could build dashboards using designer for their use case. When I did my production install, I installed on 5.x, where there is no longer any Designer support. This was one of the core reasons for purchasing this product, without it, we will be looking for another solution that can fill that void. Yes, you can code it all, but the provided examples lack demonstrating advanced functionality, and most of the training on Youtube is based on Designer. This is true for even your own Youtube channel, where the latest Apps training video you have is based on 4.x using Designer. It also adds a barrier to entry, as trying to get the rest of my team to learn this method will be more difficult. I’ve spent about 4 hours trying to build a simple app using code, where I had previously built it in 15 minutes using Designer. Please bring it back.

I’m going to roll back to 4.x. Perhaps if I had some Apps I had already built 4.x to reference, this would go a lot smoother in 5.x. I cannot find much written or video documentation to learn how to craft a working App using code only at this time. Please let me know when/if you plan on bringing this feature back, and I will upgrade at that time.