PSU 1.6-beta3 and 1.5.16 Released

We’ve released two new versions of PSU today.

PSU 1.6-beta3 - Mainly fixes based on user feedback. Merged in all 1.5.16 fixes.

PSU 1.5.16 - Fixes along with some features for APIs, UDTable, and UDStepper.


Dear @adam

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all your efforts!
Really much appreciated! :smiley::ok_hand:t2:

I’ll proceed and test the new 1.5.16 and continue to report errors in case… :wink:
…and with respects to the new beta version I have to setup a new test server first but will keep you posted here as well!

In the mean time thanks again and keep up the good work! :muscle:t2::+1:t2:

Best regards,

I’m testing v1.5.16, in particular

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where the dashboard would timeout but would not notify the user

This is with PSU in IIS
Windows auth

With… appsettings.json "WindowsAuth"; "true", "SessionTimeout": "2" and dashboards.ps1 -SessionTimeout 2, recycling the app pool = dashboard site becomes unresponsive and user not being notified after timeout.

With… appsettings.json "WindowsAuth"; "true", "SessionTimeout": "2" and dashboards.ps1 -SessionTimeout 0, recycling the app pool = dashboard site becomes unresponsive and user not being notified after timeout.

With… appsettings.json "WindowsAuth"; "true", "SessionTimeout": "2" and dashboards.ps1 -SessionTimeout 0, stop/start IIS, stop/start website, recycle app pool = dashboard site becomes unresponsive and user not being notified after timeout.

With… appsettings.json "WindowsAuth"; "true", "SessionTimeout": "20" and dashboards.ps1 -SessionTimeout 2, dashboard framework changed from [latest] to 3.3.5 recycling the app pool = dashboard site becomes unresponsive and user not being notified after timeout.

With… appsettings.json "WindowsAuth"; "true", "SessionTimeout": "1" and dashboards.ps1 (no sessiontimeout param used), dashboard framework changed from [latest] to 3.3.5 recycling the app pool = dashboard site becomes unresponsive and user not being notified after timeout.

and after the timeout, some buttons (like one that executes a Show-UDToast) cause a toast from the bottom to appear Cannot send data if the connection is not in the 'Connected State.


There’s something I’m missing here because I don’t experience this same behavior in IIS. I set the session time out to 1 and it times out successfully. I have also tried recycling the app pool manually and that works fine too. Can you email me at I’d like to investigate further.

If I have a dashboard open and it’s functioning, then I recycle the app pool - I see the same behaviour as you. I just don’t get the user notification if it times out based on the session timeout value.

I’ll email you the logs :+1:

Ah, ok. Thanks!