Issues Validating Developer License

Hello All,

We are workign on setting up a new developement server, and we are receiving an error in validating the developer license:

Thinking it was a local firewall issue, I had our network team allow access to over 443 per the docs on general licensing. The question i have is does the Development server also need to be able to contact the production server that the license was generated from? or is access to ironmansoftware all that is needed and i should re-investigate with my network team? Appreciate any thoughts you all might have!


Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.3.2

Can you try adding it again? I wonder if this was a temporary thing with our website since it is a 503.

Hey Adam, Thanks for getting back to me! Looks like its been re-trying every 3-5 minutes for the past couple of days and is reporting the same error. I will take this back with my network team and have them validate this as well.

Hey Adam, we got is sorted. My network team needed to allow some additonal blocks. Thanks again for your insight here!

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