What's your development environment like PS Universal?

So I find myself writing PowerShell in VS code and then copying/pasting the text into the ‘Code’ window in the browser of PowerShell Universal’s web GUI. I’m thinking there’s got to be a better way to do this – how are other people out there coding their dashboards and scripts?

is there a reason behind you copying your code in psu gui?

you can download universal from psgallery

then you can import the frame work you want from program data v2 or v3 and start coding.

PS Universal is running on a remote server. How would you point PS Code at the .ps1 files on the remote server?

\\{servername}\c$\{path to files}

I’ve not set it up yet but PU can sync to git so I plan on testing locally then pushing to the git repo that’s configured to sync with PU. It checks every minute I think so it shouldn’t be too arduous.