When I first say Powershell Pro tools abd Universal Dashboar, it was like a dream come true. I did buy Powershell Pro Tools for VScode arrount 2 years ago, later I also Universal Dashboard. I didn’t really used The Dashboard that much, because I didn’t had that much time. But I played a lot with it, to check if my ideas where possible with Universal Dashboard.
Powershell Pro Tools I already use for all Powershell work, and it feels like it’s making my development a lot faster, even when I don’t use every function of it.
Some years ago I created a Powershell framework (smal version) for use in My MSP company, everything that can make my life and for my clients it a more faster, stable and automated will be automatomated.
The simple framework had some modules (written as funcrion), to check all clients connected by a one way trust, sync all Share Policy’s to every client domain controller, so all fixes and new policy’s will be installed on all client computers, without need to work on it. A system that growth to mostly no problems at all. It was searching and replacing client names, variables and everything was need to get it working for other clients, you start with a lot of time consuming investment because service is integrated and end only with the problems you get and earn your payment for.
As things like reading all users from RG_VPN_User group, from the authentication server, add it to centralized VPN server, set specific settings per custommer, default routes so only business data is routing the VPN with only routes for their client and all other needed setting. And made that app dedicated on laptops, so totally no need ofor Window Enterprice and Direct Access, but it worked exactly the same way.
Complete package management, for deploying with checking, installing, updating and remove packages, fully automated, without any error and integrated different repository’s and all updated again.
Much more things are in that framework, but a lot of things are changed now. And now I’m starting a new company where I want to built a little same services, but in the year of 2021. I did make some playable scripts to test if what I want is possible.
Then I started to split that scripts in parts of Powershell modules, the executables and the scripts. First I created a good base of Github, for my scripts, modules and my new builder. So every script can be splitted, encrypted, made to a dll module or exe script and get a code signed certificate in one run, or just ps1 or psm1 files, inside every Github Repository or submodule. So I get a test file and run it directly in my lab environment.
That pieces that I have ready now, do I want to combine with Universal API, Automation and Dashboard. But now do I want to know whats the best start. My wish is that almost every request can be done from a Powershell dashboard, so that won’t be the problem.
But how do I need the see of differents between Universal API and Universal Automation? Do I need to but Automation, so all calls I do to the API run scripts inside the automation, returns back to the API? Or is it possible to run (sometime big) scripts inside the API?
I have a lot of ideas I want to build, and a lot of ideas I just want to play with. But what is the best combination and start for making a new framework that I can build the next year on.
Like to heare you’re work arround and whe you do or not do combine the API with automation and I want to know, is the automation a must, and if why is it.
Thanks already,
Arjen [ARKO]
@Adem, where the … did you find all the time for all the magic that you make, bugfix, upgrade, documentate, blog, vlog and meeting. I’m always looking surprised at you, good job! Respect