UniversalDashboard.Antd Demo site

I still have a lot of work on this but im building the Antd demo + docs site using only ud+antd module
just to show off what you can do with this module


if you trying to access the site and get error its probably because i just push new version, just do refresh or wait 1-2 minute’s


Great work @AlonGvili I did see this a little while back, and now you gone and developed it, not only with examples, but live demo too! Wow man :clap: I know that it’s hard enough to develop something but then to document it, and make it available for the masses, once again great work!

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Update the domain name to http://udantd.site


I made the source code for the webapp public , for learning purposes .


Awesome work again man, and thanks for sharing, will be having a butchers at this kind sir!
Starred and Forked :smile:


I added copy code button and add more examples

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Yes very cool thanks for sharing.

The site runs, well not good for me.
lots of the component pages show anything (like Clicking Card or Carousel.

Yea i know i need to find time to add more demo s

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Added Card examples , will try to add more examples today

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I recognized that the demo website is not working anymore…are you still maintaining this or is it replaced by UD v3?


i stop the webapp until i finish working on this lib and i workng on a new demo site

Understand, just wanted to see if there are some more interesting components not included into v3 … but can wait for it (any estimation?)

you can check my UniversalDashboard.Antd repo on gh, all the progress go into it.