Universal Dashboard Community Question: how to view on remote client

Hello. I’ve been searching all over for an answer to this question. When I try and view Universal Dashboard Community Edition on any other PC that’s not the localhost, it doesn’t load properly and everything is jumbled around on the page. (this is even with their demo dashboard). I am using Powershell Core 6.1 and have tested this on both dietpi and Raspbian Stretch light. From what I can see browsing screenshots and other forums, everyone just views the web page on localhost which does not seem to have this issue. I would love to know if this is possible and its just something I am overlooking or a limitation with my current configuration / environment.

IMG for reference: https://imgur.com/a/6WLWKl8

it seems the browser are unable to get all the required files, what do the network developer tab show?
have you made any hardcoded links?