Show offline installed components in GUI for Dashboards?

I have a server that has no internet access, that will be used internally.
I need to install some PS Modules for UA such as GridLayout. I know I can use save-module on a computer with internet and put the copy it to the server.

Is there anyway I can get UA to recognize the component so I can add it to the dashboard? I know I can manually import them, but would be nice to do it from the GUI.

Thank you,

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.0.3

When you use the Marketplace integration in PSU, we call Save-Module and store the modules into the dashboard assets folder. This is the default path.

  "UniversalDashboard": {
    "AssetsFolder": "%ProgramData%\\PowerShellUniversal\\Dashboard",
    "DashboardStartupTimeout": 10

You would need to store them to like this:

Save-Module -Name Pester -Path "$Env:ProgramData\PowerShellUniversal\Dashboard\Components"

I think one limitation that we have is that it won’t automatically located them until a service restart.

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As always @adam ,you are awesome!