Thought I’d make a thread for people to share their themes. Ok you’ve got me… I completely suck at CSS so it would be really great to borrow someone elses hard work
So go ahead and share a screenshot and your theme.
Thought I’d make a thread for people to share their themes. Ok you’ve got me… I completely suck at CSS so it would be really great to borrow someone elses hard work
So go ahead and share a screenshot and your theme.
Fella you don’t need to be a CSS genius for this…I did the dark rounded theme and spent loads of time finding out all the CSS things to add to customise the colours for all the components…so my advice is to copy and paste something like the dark rounded theme but as a custom theme to your dashboard…literally you don’t need the top 2 {} script tags…then go to a site like generate a nice colour scheme, then do some finding and replacing…start your dashboard with the modified theme and boom you have a custom theme with everything styled in the colours you selected.