Hi there,
Is there anyone having any experience around theming and customizing display of controls like UD Cards ?
I’d did found out, that the title was relying on the Typography H5 from MUI themes, but the thing is if I overwrite it like:
typography = @{
h5 = @{
fontSize = 12
it do the trick, but all UDCards will be impacted, which is not the ultimate goal.
I tried to modify the control itself using the -style parameter but almost nothing does change, except for the color maybe, but for instance:
New-UDCard -Title $item.Name -Style @{
top = '2px'
color = 'green'
'font-size' = '1rem'
'font-family' = "Roboto", "Helvetica", "Arial", "sans-serif"
'font-weight' = '200'
'line-height' = '1.334'
'letter-spacing' = '0em'
} -Content { $body }
except the titel’s color, nothing get “impacted” by the style settings.
I’m as well wondering how the -ClassName works, can’t find any information in any available documentation. I saw in one example provided (line 548) by @adam that it is used but no clue how it works
is there anyone around here that can help on this ? that would be very much appreciated to go ahead with my dashboards.
I have as well noticed that if you specify a main color for the dashboard using the following:
$Theme = @{
palette = @{
primary = @{
main = "#00603a"
The dark mode switch button ain’t working anymore, any clue how or why it happen ?
I did try to configure the theme as per the following, I did check on MUI website for some insight, but I must do something wrong as it is not working
$Theme = @{
palette = @{
primary = @{
main = "#00603a"
secondary = @{
light = "#d7ac59"
main = "#a37d2c"
contrastText = "#000000"
Many thanks in advance ! Cheers !