Session Timeout Modal missing?

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.6.x - 3.7.x


i am missing the Session Timeout Modal Windows.
The Dashboard still timeout but without the Modal. The site looks normal. Some Elements seem to be working but they dont.

The Info Frame only show up after the restart of the dashboard. At this time it is show up for a secound.

Missed i somethink?

I’m seeing it pop up on 3.7.7.


Are you using a custom theme or anything?

My Theme has not changed for quite some time.

New-UDDashboard -Title "Schaltzentrale" -Pages $Pages -Theme $Theme
$Theme = @{
    light = @{
        palette = @{
            type       = 'light'
            primary    = @{
                main  = '#454545'
                light = '#ffc568'
                dark  = '#dc7700'
            divider    = '#ef6c00'
            warning    = @{
                main = '#ffc107'
            secondary  = @{
                main = '#ff6d00'
            background = @{
                default = '#e0e0e0'
        shape   = @{
            borderRadius = 7
        props   = @{
            MuiList     = @{
                dense = "true"
            MuiMenuItem = @{
                dense = "true"
            MuiTable    = @{
                size = 'small'
            MuiTabs     = @{
                textColor      = 'secondary'
                indicatorColor = 'secondary'
    dark  = @{
        palette = @{
            type       = 'dark'
            primary    = @{
                main  = '#f5f5f5'
                light = '#ffc568'
                dark  = '#dc7700'
            divider    = '#ef6c00'
            warning    = @{
                main = '#ffc107'
            secondary  = @{
                main = '#ff6d00'
            background = @{
                default = '#303030'
                paper   = '#424242'
        shape   = @{
            borderRadius = 7
        props   = @{
            MuiList     = @{
                dense = "true"
            MuiMenuItem = @{
                dense = "true"
            MuiTable    = @{
                size = 'small'
            MuiTabs     = @{
                textColor      = 'secondary'
                indicatorColor = 'secondary'

i am using 3.7.6 at the moment.