Problem with NivoCharts and colors


I have a problem with colors in the Dataset and NivoCharts. I don’t get it working.
This is what i tired.

 id    = $_.Name
 label = $_.Name
 value = $_.Count
 color = "green"


 id    = $_.Name
 label = $_.Name
 value = $_.Count
 color = "hsl(195, 70%, 50%)"

Does anyone have an idea?

Did you ever get this working? I would like to create a pie chart with specific colors, but have also been unable to do so.

Edit: It also appears that setting color scheme on Pie charts is not working. Specifying anything with -Colors leads to all sections being Black, example

New-UDNivoChart -Colors ‘dark2’ -Pie -Data $data -Height 400 -Width 900

I have tried ‘dark2’ ‘category10’ and even ‘nivo’ which is the default. All lead to all Pie sections being black.

Hi, I had the same experience. I am still using the default colors.

Hi Guys -

Did you guys ever figure this out?


no not until now. Havn’t played with nivo charts for a long time.

I never figured it out and lost interest. But with the new PSU I might restart the dashboard I was working on.