PowerShell Universal - 3.1.0
Release Notes
- Fixed an issue where creating an endpoint via the Management API would not return said API endpoint
- Fixed an issue where Get-PSUEndpoint -Url did not return APIs.
- Added a more clear link to job details from the Jobs page
- Added option to display timestamps in absolute time
- Added a more clear link back to a script from the jobs page
- Added a more clear link from a job to a script
- Added Job Handshake Timeout to the settings page
- Added support for storing terminal command history
- Invoke-PSUScript will now write errors and warnings generated by jobs when using -Wait
- Fixed an issue where the System Default time zone would set the schedule as UTC
- Fixed an issue where the credential would not be honored by a schedule if set on a script
- Added a button to view raw log output
- Fixed an issue where you needed to specify a body when invoking a script from an Management API
User Interfaces
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue where the UDSelect label would be indented
- Dashboards: Added -Variant to New-UDSelect
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue where UDSelect would always have the first item selected even if -DefaultValue or -Value was not set.
- Dashboards: Added -Size to New-UDIconButton
- Dashboards: Added -Raised to New-UDCard
- Dashboards: Added -Size to New-UDSwitch
- Dashboards: UDFloatingActionButton now defaults to BottomRight
- Dashboards: Added -Style, -HeaderStyle, -FooterStyle, -ContentStyle and -Dividers to Show-UDModal
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue where dashboard memory was not reported.
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue with the display of a server-side table with no data
- Dashboards: Added copy\paster support to dashboard terminals
- Dashboards: Added -DefaultValue to New-UDRadioGroup
- Dashboards: Added -ShowLoading, -LoadingIndicator, and -LoadingPosition to New-UDButton
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue where Set-UDElement wouldn’t properly update the selected value in New-UDSelect
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue where New-UDTable autocomplete filters would compress
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue where Out-String would not work without -Width in Windows PowerShell
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue where New-UDTreeView wouldn’t expand when using dynamic trees
- Dashboards: Added Dutch language support (nl) to New-UDDatePicker and New-UDTimPicker
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue where Sync-UDElement would cause problems with Show-UDModal
- Dashboards: Added -SessionTimeout to New-UDDashboard
- Dashboards: Added -Unmask to New-UDTextbox
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue where masked UDTextbox would throw a JS error
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue where -Defaultvalue wouldn’t be set right away with New-UDSelect
- Dashboards: Added -FullWidth to New-UDStack
- Dashboards: Fixed an issue where New-UDUpload would show two buttons
- Dashboards: Added -MinimumDate and -MaximumDate to New-UDDatePicker
- Dashobards: Fixed an issue where the Unauthorized page would not be shown when a user didn’t have access to a page (404 page shown)
- Pages: Added support for HTML and markdown in cards
- Pages: Show page size changer for Tables
- Suppress an exception thrown when a hotkey was already registered
- Moved the Save Changes button on the General settings page to be more accessible
- PowerShell versions are now updated dynamically when environments are loaded
- Fixed some issues with the admin console on smaller resolutions
- Fixed an issue where PSModulePath would be out of order for Windows PowerShell causing some modules to fail to load.
- Fixed an issue where Get-PSUComputer would not return a value
- Updated the PowerShell SDK to 7.2.5 for the integrated environemnt
- Added support for disabling a role
- Removed support for “high performance runspace pools” because they offer the same performance as the standard ones
- Variables from variables.ps1 are now defined in other PS1 configuration files
- Added ProjectUri to Templates
- Added proxy support for licensing and marketplace.
- Added -CssStylesheetIntegrity to New-PSULoginPage
- Added Remove-PSUDashboard
- Added Get-PSUDashboard -Name parameter
- Added an option to hide the Run As setting throughout the admin console.
- Added -RemoveSecret to Remove-PSUVariable to delete secrets from vaults
- Added Import-PSUSecret to load secret info from vaults
- Added translation support for APIs and Dashbaords
- Added support for configuring git sync in the UI
- Added an option to configure the git sync interval
- Fixed an issue where git sync changes would expand the entire table
- Sync-PSUComponent will now attempt to sync across all connected PSU instances
- Fixed an issue where the PowerShell Universal module would not work in Windows PowerShell
- Added a setting to enable splatting for all configuration files
- Fixed an issue where the DisableUpdateCheck setting did not work.
- Added the node name to the home page
- Fixed a display issue with the Persistent Runspace setting the admin console.
- Fixed a display issue when editing variables
- Fixed an issue where existing settings would not be shown when editing SAML2 authentication
- Fixed an issue where Set-PSUAuthenticationMethod would return a 404 error
- Fixed an issue where the MSI installer had some overlapping controls on one of the configuration pages.
- Fixed issue with editor autocompletion
- Added a display of the last time the git sync ran; even if there were no changes
- Fixed an issue where git commits would not display the correct changes in the commit
- Added the ability to see a diff of git changes
- Fixed an issue where Install-PSUServer\Upgrade-PSUServer -LatestVersion wouldn’t install the correct version.
- Added -RequireMfa to Set-PSUAuthenticationMethod