On offline computer: Powershell Tools is connecting

Tool: Visual Studio Code
Version: 2021.11.1

Lower right corner “Powershell Tools is connecting…” and it never gets finished.

Hey @gvenaas,

Can you please share a log? It should be available in the output pane.

Can you also let me know if you are running the PowerShell or PowerShell Preview extension?

I am not using the previewm or I have not been able to install the lisence on the offline machine.

The log:

Ah, I see. This is my fault for not properly updating the offline installation documentation. I’ve added some notes on how to get the binaries downloaded and installed properly. They are no longer included directly in the VSIX because of size limitations imposed by the VS Marketplace.

Here’s a link to the section including the information you’ll need.

Tank You for a swift answer.

But… the problem persists.

Extracted to $ENV:UserProfile\2021.11.1\windows, whitch is

c:\users<my user>\2021.11.1\windows

Could it be another directory?

Found the answer.

Place the zip in the folder
