New-UDTable Main Post

Dear All
I’m really sorry to re-open this post.

However I still get the issues described here and for example here:

Even if I use the new Set-UDElement Function described above I get
“Cannot read property ‘version’ of undefined”.

From what I learned searching the forum this issues should have been resolved.
The question is therefore: What am I doing wrong?

For your Information, this is what I’m trying to do:

function get-RemoteUsers {

    try `


        Get-ADUser -ea Stop -SearchBase "OU=MyOU,OU=MyOrganisation,DC=demolab,DC=local" -SearchScope OneLevel -Properties Description, Company, mail, manager, accountExpires -LDAPFilter "(&(&(&(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))))" | Select-Object `

        @{ Label = "Name"; Expression = { ($_.Name) } },

        @{ Label = "Username"; Expression = { ($_.saMAccountName) } },

        @{ Label = "EMail"; Expression = { ($_.mail) } },

        @{ Label = "Company"; Expression = { ($ } },

        @{ Label = "Description"; Expression = { ($_.description) } },

        @{ Label = "Responsible"; Expression = { 

           (Get-ADUser -Identity $_.manager).name

           } },

        @{ Label = "Expiration Date"; Expression = { `


            if ($_.accountExpires -eq 0)




            elseif ($_.accountExpires -eq 9223372036854775807)






                $expirationDate = [datetime]::FromFileTime($_.accountExpires)



                # $expirationDate.toString("dd.MM.yyyy")









The UDTable gets initially created like that:
New-UDCard -Title “Query Results” -Content {

       # New-UDTable -Id 'extuser_table' -Data $Data -Columns $Columns -Title 'External Users' -ShowSearch -ShowSort -PageSize 20 -ShowPagination -ShowSelection -Dense -OnRowSelection {


        $dataquery = get-RemoteUsers

        New-UDTable -Id 'extuser_table' -Data $dataquery -Columns $Columns -ShowSort -PageSize 20 -ShowPagination -ShowSelection -Dense -OnRowSelection {

           $Item = $EventData

           # Show-UDToast -Message "$($Item).name"


But then when I try to update the table using a simple button like that it doesn’t work:

New-UDButton -Text "GET Rows" -OnClick {
      Set-UDElement -Id 'extuser_table' -Properties @{
         Data = get-RemoteUsers

Thanks a lot for your much appreciated help!

Best regards,