New-UDNivoChart Pie Labels Link

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.2.14/4.4.0

How to use RadialLabelsLinkDiagonalLength parameters in UDNivoChart Pie chart ?
And others RadialLabels parameters as well ?
No mather what values i will put there there is absolutely no change to chart.
I want make those labels line shorter because with long values text is cut and i want to make sure that two of those pie charts fit it one not so big card

Hello anyone ?
This code:

New-UDApp -Title 'PowerShell Universal' -DisableThemeToggle -Content {
    $Data =
            value = "123"
            color = '#52BE80'
            id = 'Compliant'
            value = "345"
            color = '#F73E71'
            id = 'Non-Compliant'
            value = "25"
            color = '#D2DA54'
            id = 'Unknown'

    New-UDNivoChart -Pie -Data ($Data | Where-Object { $_.Value -ne 0 }) -InnerRadius 0.5 -CornerRadius 5 -PadAngle 1 -Colors @{datum = 'data.color'} -Id "id" -RadialLabelsLinkDiagonalLength 45 -RadialLabelsLinkHorizontalLength 45      
    New-UDNivoChart -Pie -Data ($Data | Where-Object { $_.Value -ne 0 }) -InnerRadius 0.5 -CornerRadius 5 -PadAngle 1 -Colors @{datum = 'data.color'} -Id "id" -RadialLabelsLinkDiagonalLength 15 -RadialLabelsLinkHorizontalLength 15  

output two identical charts…