Simple use case.
PingCastle is an open source Active Directory Auditing tool, to find weaknesses in your AD’s.
I run a report weekly, to track progress, and find new issues.
While the reports themselves are ok-ish. having charts to display data just makes stuff better.
To retrieve numbers from the generated XML, I use this function
function Get-PingCastleXMLRuleData {
if(test-path $XMLfilepath){
[XML]$CurrentReport = get-content $XMLfilepath
$CurrentReport.HealthcheckData.RiskRules.HealthcheckRiskRule | ForEach-Object {
Points = $_.Points
Category = $_.Category
Model = $_.Model
RiskId = $_.RiskId
Rationale = $_.Rationale
Details = $_.Details.string
Sourcepath = $XMLfilepath
SourceDomain = $CurrentReport.HealthcheckData.DomainFQDN
write-error "Path not found"
in the HTML report we can find the description and problematic objects, but parsing the reports can be a little icky.
I used the code below to run through all my old reports, and a variations hereof in my script the generate reports.
$PingReports = Get-ChildItem .\Reports -Recurse -Include "*.xml"
Foreach($PingReport in $PingReports){
$HTMLFile = (Get-item $(($PingReport.DirectoryName) + "/" + $($PingReport.BaseName) + ".HTML"))
$HTMLFileFolder = Get-item $HTMLFile.Directory
[XML]$CurrentReport = get-content $PingReport
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $HTMLFileFolder -Name $CurrentReport.HealthcheckData.DomainFQDN -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$detailspath = $HTMLFileFolder.FullName + "\" + $CurrentReport.HealthcheckData.DomainFQDN
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $detailspath -Name "Details" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$source = Get-Content $HTMLFile -Raw
$html = New-Object -ComObject "HTMLFile"
$src = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($source)
foreach ($Riskrule in ($CurrentReport.HealthcheckData.RiskRules.HealthcheckRiskRule.riskid)){
$divId = "rules$Riskrule"
$div = $html.getElementById($divId)
$div.innerHTML # save this how you like - i store them in a date based folder structure as $Riskrule.html
The “innerhtml” is displayed directly in a modal when clicking the Details button.