I successfully installed powershell universal with iis.
I got this experience.
Dashboard working with UniversalDashboard (2.9.3) and powershell 5.1
Dashboard not working with UniversalDashboard (3.0.3) and powershell 5.1
Dashboard not working with UniversalDashboard (3.0.3) and powershell 5.1
Dashboard not working with UniversalDashboard (3.0.3) and powershell 7.0.3
Dashboard not working with UniversalDashboard (2.9.3) and powershell 7.0.3
II/. Automation: working well with both version of Powershell.
Can some one help me to working with item 3,4,5 .
We’re going to need a little more detail!
1 and 2 seem the same to me, same version of UD same powershell version, but you’ve said one works and one doesnt??
Please can you elaborate on what you mean by not working? e.g error messages? issues? etc.
Also we’re going to need to know your setup too, how have you installed Universal Dashboard, are you using Universal? if so what version?
Did you install with the MSI or the zip?
How did you configure IIS, did you follow the UD Documentation - if so which page?
it is just a simple dashboard:
and by the way it is alway add poweshell v5.1 can not add powershell core 7.03
when add successfully it come out powershell.exe not pwsh.exe
Dashboard working with UniversalDashboard (2.9.3) and powershell 5.1
Dashboard not working with UniversalDashboard 3.0.3) and powershell 5.1
Dashboard not working with UniversalDashboard (3.0.3) and powershell 5.1
Dashboard not working with UniversalDashboard (3.0.3) and powershell 7.0.3
Dashboard not working with UniversalDashboard (2.9.3) and powershell 7.0.3
II/. Automation: working well with both version of Powershell.
Can some one help me to working with item 3,4,5 .
Sorry but I’m still not seeing any errors here, whats the actual issue?
Is it that it wont run when you attempt to start it?
Are you getting an error when trying to add the dashboard?
Have you checked the log? can you copy and paste your errors here?
and by the way it is alway add poweshell v5.1 can not add powershell core 7.03
I know it sounds obvious but have you installed powershell core?
Sorry dude I’m just part of the UD community, one of the public, I’m not associated with ironman software. I’m just offering help where I can on here but I really don’t have the time to spend remote connecting with others on their issues, got enough of my own lol.
So far, in one post you attached an image of a working dashboard.
In another image you attached an image of the ‘Add Dashboard’ screen, and I’m seeing nothing wrong here. There are no errors in your posts unless I’m missing something blatently obvious
If you have added your dashboard and it is showing as ‘Running’ in universal, but when you view it all you get is a blank screen, then you need to do more investigation to get to the root cause.
I would suggest taking a look at the logs, the easiest way is to look in universal, in the info button next to the dashboard itself, then click on the ‘Log’ tab. Most problems/errors will show here.
Also another point of investigation is using developer tools in your browser and checking the console for errors when you load the page, javascript errors, etc.
If you can get this info then i can offer up help.
Also, did you install powershell core?
I have psu working with both powershell 5.1 and ps 7.1 in IIS.
The thing is dashboard has nothing to do with powershell version it’s all about your dashboard code and what frame work you are using so your code might work with v2 but not with v3 because the cmdlets are not the same.
The best thing you can do is to start always with hello world kind of dashboard and nothing else this way you can test your dashboard to make sure all pre requisites are in place before you start building your own dashboard .
He said it doesn’t work with powershell 7, and never answered if he’s installed core, which is the obvious first question…
Seems to have also completely skipped over all the potential advice I offered for some reason.
In this image you posted:
I can see a dashboard running with powershell.exe - isnt that 5.1 ?
The last image you posted shows them all using pwsh.exe which I believe to be core?
In that respect, you’ve shown that you have dashboards both running with 5.1 and core.
I think you need to follow the advice if you want to progress this one - or be clearer and elaborate on that the issue is here, if the dashboards you have in your screenshot dont work, which are all intense and purposes showing as started/running, then we need to identify, why they don’t work, the place you need to look is your logs & browser console errors…
Well that has nothing to do with powershell 5 or 7 this is a framework issue.
For that reason you should not test dashboard board with custom script it should always be tested with generic script to make sure core components is working fine.