Has anyone had success with the Custom view?

Tool: Visual Studio Code, PowerShell Module
Version: VS Code 1.95
Version: PowerShell Pro Tools Extension 2024.7.6

I’ve created an Issue for this on the Github, but I wanted to see if anyone has used this with any success. Even if just using the samples shown in its documentation to show it’s working.

My attempts thus far have all either failed, registering the initial parent TreeView with blank children TreeItems, whether using static values with something like:

Register-VSCodeTreeView -Label Test -LoadChildren {
  New-VSCodeTreeItem -Label Test1 -Description Test1 -DisableInvoke

…or dynamically listing items from a collection, like:

Register-VSCodeTreeView -Label "PS Pro Tools Cmdlets" -LoadChildren {
  Get-Command -Module PowerShellProTools.VSCode | % {
    New-VSCodeTreeItem -Label $_.Name -Description $_.CommandType -Tooltip $_.Definition -DisableInvoke

Further details with screenshots are in the issue, but I just wanted to see if anyone has encountered this issue, or if they’ve otherwise had success with it.
