Experiencing an issue with older dashboard and autocomplete

I have an older dashboard that was a mock-up of a payroll entry sheet. The employees’ information is pulled from a sqlite database, and the user can calculate weekly pay, bonus, etc. I have an autocomplete field that allows the user to choose an employee’s ID, and then all the other fields, such as first and last name, supervisor, pay rate, etc. are automatically populated. I am sure it was working previously, but does not seem to be now. Below is the autocomplete callout:

    New-UDAutoComplete -Label "Employee ID" -Id "Auto" -OnLoadOptions {
        (Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $sDatabase -Query "SELECT * FROM Payroll").ID | ? {$_ -match $Body} | ConvertTo-Json

The call to the db works, as I can see various IDs when I begin typing. However, if I finish typing the ID (“782” for example) the number disappears - thus none of the other fields are populated. The same happens if I try to click the ID I want from the autocomplete’s drop down.

I tried changing the above call and including an -OnChange{} along with Set-UDElement, but this is not working either. Can anyone offer a suggestion on what may have changed, or why the number entered is not persisting?

Edit: Just wanted to add that if I add a Show-UDToast $Body to the -OnChange, it shows the correct value. So it is capturing the value, just not adding it to the field.

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.3.0

I’ll open an issue for this to check it out.