Choosing an item from the options doesn’t retain that value in the display unless completely typing the value. Choosing an item with the mouse or arrow keys causing the display to clear.
The OnChange event doesn’t fire when completely filling in the a value, but only choosing the item with a mouse click will trigger the change event.
Typing the open parenthesis will cause an error to display as show below for every item in the list. My autocomplete had 4000+ items and this caused numerous messages. The sample code only produces four. Additionally, typing the open parenthesis returns “No Options.”
That works for pressing ENTER. Any chance we can get it to work if the user TABs out of the field?
BTW, updated to 2.7.3 and the value is now staying as expected for both mouse click and ENTER.
Also, the issue with the open parenthesis is now fixed when using LIKE instead of MATCH.
So items #1 and #3 are completely resolved and #2 partially.