Hey everyone,
I have a simple input that does an AD Query to find a Username and some other info related to that person So i know which Username is the correct one (Since we might have 2-3 John Smiths…etc) My Input was working perfectly until 2.4.0, 2.3.2 it still works and that’s what version I am still on but would like to move to 2.4.1. So the input returns data to a Grid for searching but currently that fails with the error
My code is as follows to run a test of your own on 2.4.0 or 2.4.1
$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title “Test” -Content {
New-UDColumn -Size 6 {
New-UDInput -Title “Lookup Username” -SubmitText “Find Username” -Content {
New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name “fn” -Placeholder “First Name”
New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name “ln” -Placeholder “Last Name”
} -Endpoint {
New-UDInputAction -Content @(
New-UDGrid -Title “Possible Usernames” -Headers @(“Name”,“Account Name”,“Employee ID”,“Location”, “Title”) -Properties @(“DisplayName”,“SAMAccountName”,“employeeID”,“Office”, “Title”) -Endpoint {
Get-ADUser -Filter “GivenName -like ‘$fn*’ -and Surname -like ‘$ln*’” -Properties Surname, GivenName, Office, SAMAccountName, employeeID, DisplayName, Title | Select Surname, GivenName, Office, SAMAccountName, employeeID, DisplayName, Title | Out-UDGridData
Start-UDDashboard -Dashboard $Dashboard -Port 8080
Any ideas would be awesome!
Thanks all,