Good morning all,
I can’t reproduce the code of the following post:
I created the dashboard with the framework version 3.0.0-beta7.
My problem is that I cannot display the result via the New-UDTable command, it works with the UDToast command.
Here is the error:
Thanks for your help.
You might need to turn the properties into strings to avoid this error.
Something like:
if ($Session:UserObject)
$Columns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property Name -Title Name
New-UDTableColumn -Property Value -Title Value
$Properties = $Session:UserObject.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
[PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name.ToString(); Value = $_.Value.ToString()
New-UDTable -Data -Columns $Columns
I should be able to fix this in UD as well as we can have NewtonSoft JSON ignore self-referencing loops. I’ll open an issue for that.
Hello Adam,
It works, thanks for your help.
See the clean code for what wants it.