For the life of me, my brain’s not churning properly. Maybe it’s the Christmas season and I am already in vacation mode (2 weeks!!!). Anyway, does anybody know how to put a label on the Y axis of a bar chart? aaannnd, resize the bar width to be the same as the bar width of the other charts. I have multiple charts that shows the how long a certain maintenance schedule was over a period of time. The Y axis shows how long in minutes and the X axis are the dates the schedule ran. I need to put “minutes” on the Y axis and resize the bar for schedules that only ran a couple of times (see attached image). Thanks and Merry Christmas!!!
Here’s the portion of my script that generates the chart
New-UDPage -Name “Phase 1 Schedule Metrics” -Content{
New-UDRow -Endpoint{
New-UDColumn -Size 2
New-UDColumn -Size 8 -Content{
foreach ($Item in $ResultsP1){
New-UDChart -Type Bar -Height $MapHeight -Width $MapWidth -Options $MapOptions -Endpoint {
$item | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty Diff -LabelProperty Start -Dataset @(
New-UDChartDataset -Label $item.job -DataProperty Diff -BackgroundColor $BGColor -HoverBackgroundColor $HoverBGColor
New-UDColumn -Size 2