New-UDChartJS with multiple y-Axes

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.0.6

I am trying to get a chart with two datasets with a different y-axis (one on the left and one on the right). I can get the two y-Axis labels displaying, but the data seems only to be drawn to the right y-axis scale.

This code:

$data = @(
    @{ Date = '03/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '04/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '05/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '06/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '07/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '08/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '09/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '10/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '11/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '12/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '13/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '14/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '15/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '16/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '17/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }
    @{ Date = '18/07/2023'; Count = (Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum 20); AvgDuration = (Get-Random -Minimum 35 -Maximum 65) }

$dataSets = @()

$newUDChartJSDatasetParams = @{
    DataProperty         = 'Count'
    Label                = 'Total'
    BackgroundColor      = '#729ECE'
    BorderColor          = '#1F77B4'
    YAxisId              = 'yAxis'
$dataSets += New-UDChartJSDataset @newUDChartJSDatasetParams -BorderWidth 2

$newUDChartJSDatasetParams = @{
    DataProperty         = 'AvgDuration'
    Label                = 'Avg Duration'
    BackgroundColor      = '#FF9E4A'
    BorderColor          = '#FF7F0E'
    YAxisId              = 'yAxis2'
$dataSets += New-UDChartJSDataset @newUDChartJSDatasetParams -BorderWidth 2 -AdditionalOptions @{ type = 'line' }

New-UDChartJS -Data $data -Dataset $dataSets -LabelProperty Date -Type bar -Options @{
    responsive = $true
    maintainAspectRatio = $false
    plugins = @{
        legend = @{
            display = $false
    scales = @{
        xAxis = @{
            display = $true
            ticks = @{
                display = $false
        yAxis = @{
            display = $true
            position = 'left'
        yAxis2 = @{
            display = $true
            position = 'right'
            grid = @{
                drawOnChartArea = $false # only want the grid lines for one axis to show up

Renders this chart (notice that highlighted data value is scaled against the y-axis on the right and not its own scale?!):

Any ideas what I am doing wrong here? It’s gotta be something simple…

Thanks in advance,

Did you ever find a solution to this?
I’m in the same kind of situation, though in my case both are scaled on the left axis

Is this also an issue i v5 @adam?

I can reproduce this in v5 as well. Taking a peek. It might be a casing issue with the ChartJS component. Comparing the JSON between the ChartJS docs and PSU, I see that it’s yAxisId in PSU and yAxisID in the docs.

That was it. This will be resolved in v5.2.

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Thank you Adam. Looking forward to finally getting onto v5 with 5.2 :slight_smile:

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