Hi All / @adam -
Has anyone successfully created a multiple axes on UDchart? I know it’s possible with ChartJS, not sure if UDchart only has a fixed axes.
I added the yAxisID and added a couple of lines in Options - doesn’t seem to work.
$Data | Out-UDChartData -LabelProperty "date" -Dataset @(
New-UDBarChartDataset -Label "Sum CPU" -DataProperty "Sum CPU" -BackgroundColor "#30eaec07" -BorderColor "#eaec07" -BorderWidth 2 -yAxisId 'left'
New-UDBarChartDataset -Label "Sum IO" -DataProperty "Sum IO" -BackgroundColor "#30ff944c" -BorderColor "#ff944c" -BorderWidth 2 -yAxisId 'right'
#New-UDBarChartDataset -Label "Duration" -DataProperty "Duration" -BackgroundColor "#30f02525" -BorderColor "#f02525" -BorderWidth 2 -yAxisId "sum-io-right"
} -Options @{
scales = @{
left = @(
type = 'linear'
position = 'left'
ticks = @{
#suggestedMin = '30'
#stepSize = '20'
fontSize = '15'
fontStyle = 'bold'
right = @(
type = 'linear'
position = 'right'
ticks = @{
#suggestedMin = '30'
#stepSize = '20'
fontSize = '15'
fontStyle = 'bold'
xAxes = @(
ticks = @{
fontSize = '15'
fontStyle = 'bold'