I am building a dynamic chart to show some statistics on our internal applications. The Datafile has 92 entries in it. When i put the data in the chart it shows all 92 entries but only 31 labels. Either the label font is too large or the data bars are too small. i have tried several methods of changing the font size or increasing the height of the chart but i havent found anything that works. Are there any suggestions on how i can fix this issue? Have i exceeded some limitation of the ChartJs implementation in Universal Dashboard? Here is a screenshot of part of the chart:
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.2.11
I just wanted to update this. i was able to determine that if i limited the items to 50 then everything shows as expected. I was also able to successfully adjust the size of the labels (and the bars) but no reduction of font size made the missing items visible. And the text got too small to read. So i am currently limiting the number of displayed items to 50 and am working on getting the chart to page. I wish the documentation on ChartJS options was a little more comprehensive. Trying to figure out the correct hashtable heirarchy from the ChartJS documenation is tedious. For the record here are my current options. some of this appears to do nothing (eg responsive = $true doesnt make the chart responsive. it is still static)
$Page:Options = @{
Type = 'bar'
Data = $Page:ChartFilter
Dataset = $Page:ChartDatasets
LabelProperty = "Application"
Options = @{
indexAxis = "y"
barPercentage = .5
responsive = $true
plugins = @{
tooltip = @{
mode = 'nearest'
intersect = $true
legend = @{
align = 'start'
labels = @{
font = @{
weight = 'bold'
scales = @{
xAxes = @{
stacked = $true
max = 300
ticks = @{
font = @{
size = 10
yAxes = @{
stacked = $true
max = 50
ticks = @{
font = @{
size = 10