Azure Tabs Are Not Displaying Correctly in v2.9.0

I am using the Azure theme. When I upgraded to version 2.9.0, the font for all of my tabs went to black. I have tried using “UDTab”, “UDTabs”, etc in “definitions”, but nothing is working. Is there something custom I can do in the definitions to make my font color white? Is this a bug with 2.9.0? The tabs are also highlighted in purple when selected, but I can likely figure that one out.

The best thing you can do is to compare the Azure theme from your previews UD version with the one from V. 2.9.0.
this way you can identify the changes in the new version and customize them as you need.

Am not currently using this theme but this is one way to find out if something is missed up or not working properly so you can modify it.

This might be easier said than done. Looks like with v2.9.0, there were some major changes to tab styling with the Azure theme. Can’t really figure out how to get it back to the way it was or at least customize it so I can at least change the font color.

Tab-related items in v 2.7.0:

 '.tabs'= @{
      'color'= "#FFFFFF"
      'background-color' = "#252525"
  '.tabs .tab'= @{
      'color' = "#252525"
  '.tabs .tab a:hover' = @{
      'background-color' = "#252525"
      'color'= "#FFFFFF"
  '.tabs .tab'= @{
      'background-color' = "#1c1c1c"
      'color'= "#FFFFFF"
  '.tabs .tab'= @{
      'background-color' = "#252525"
      'color'= "#FFFFFF"
  '.tabs .indicator'= @{
      'background-color' = "#FFFFFF"
  '.tabs .tab a' = @{
      'color' = "#FFFFFF"


  UDTabs = @{
    BackgroundColor = $AlternativeBackgroundColor3
    Height = 'auto'
    BoxShadow = 'unset'
    FontFamily = $FontFamily


UDTab = @{
    FontColor = $PrimaryColor
    FontFamily = $FontFamily
    # No need for backgroundColor it inherit UDTabs backgroundColor

UDTabActive = @{
    ActiveFontColor = $AlternateFontColor
    ActiveBackgroundColor = $PrimaryColor

UDTabIcon = @{
    FontColor = $PrimaryColor
    Height = 'auto'
    LineHeight = 'inherit'

UDTabActiveIcon = @{
    ActiveFontColor = $AlternateFontColor

UDTabIndicator = @{
    IndicatorColor = $PrimaryColorDark

I have tried adding the 2.7.0 “tab” section from the Azure theme with no luck.