Table Rendering Icon Issue

I currently have a form an -OnSubmit I open a modal that contains a New-UDTable (everything below shows the -OnSubmit action). Basically the table just contains a Status and Description column and for each server in my list I run a query… if the query comes back as successful I set the status to 1 in my array of PSCustomObjects where the description matches and then sync the table so the status flips to 1. This works perfectly as expected, but when trying to introduce a -Render component (see commented out section), it seems the table doesn’t recognize the $EventData.Status. I am having a lot of issues visualizing what is going on when the -Render component is called for each row. Any guidance is much appreciated… been stuck on this for over an hour.

$ValidationTableColumns = @(
            New-UDTableColumn -Property 'Status' -Title "Status" <#-Render {
                if($EventData.Status -eq 1) {
                    New-UDIcon -Icon checkcircle -Size 2x -Color green
                } else {
                    New-UDIcon -Icon checkcircle -Size 2x -Color red
            New-UDTableColumn -Property Description -Title "Description"

        $ValidationData = @(
            [PSCustomObject]@{Status = '1'; Description = 'Begin Validation'}

        foreach ($server in $Session:SelectedServersList) {
            $ValidationData += [PSCustomObject]@{Status = '0'; Description = "$($"}

        $ValidationData += [PSCustomObject]@{Status = '0'; Description = 'End Validation'}

        Show-UDModal -Header {New-UDHeading -Size 4 -Text "Validating New DBA Check..."} -Content {
            New-UDDynamic -id "ValidationTableID" -Content {
                New-UDTable -Data $ValidationData -Columns $ValidationTableColumns 

        foreach($server in $Session:SelectedServersList) {
            TRY {
                Invoke-DBAQuery -SqlInstance $($ -Database master -Query (Get-UDElement -id 'CodeEditor').Code -EnableException

                foreach($item in $ValidationData) {
                    if($item.Description -eq "$($") {
                        $item.Status = 1
                Sync-UDElement -id "ValidationTableID"
            } CATCH {
                Show-UDToast -Message "Failure"

        foreach($item in $ValidationData) {
            if($item.Description -eq "End Validation") {
                $item.Status = 1
        Sync-UDElement -id "ValidationTableID"

I was able to figure it out from this post:

I think my issue was that I had the new-uddynamic on the entire table when I should’ve had it on the actual column. Not completely sure why that is or how it works, but problem solved.