Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.5.1
I have a few PSU environments, dev/test/prod. I’ve noticed that my queued jobs keep filling up in my dev and test environments, and I believe it’s due to the scheduled jobs I have configured.
$Parameters = @{
Cron = "0 0 * * SAT"
Script = "Remove-StaleDevices.ps1"
TimeZone = "America/Chicago"
Credential = ""
Environment = "pwsh"
Name = "Stale Device Cleanup"
RandomDelay = $true
Computer = "$ProductionNode"
New-PSUSchedule @Parameters
$Parameters = @{
Cron = "0 0 * * *"
Script = "schedule2.ps1"
TimeZone = "America/Chicago"
Credential = "SNServiceAccount"
Environment = "pwsh"
Name = "schedule2"
RandomDelay = $true
Computer = "$ProductionNode"
New-PSUSchedule @Parameters
@adam, is there a way to configure my schedule to run on a specific computer group? or my production nodes? and not fill up my queues on my dev/test environments?