Sanity check for updating a forked module from the marketplace

So if i wanted to fork the ud-activedirectory dashboard from here, and make changes…

Since im changing a module file, instead of a ./dashboard.ps1, thats means im gonna have to uninstall/reinstall the psm1 file each time i update, or reimport? or dot source the psm1 file after i make a change so i can rerun the dashboard command?

sorry for the newb question, but ive never gotten the hang of updating modules and republishing.

Hey @MajDogbyte I would run Install-Module ud-activedirectory
Then yeah any changes you make within the actual psm1/psd1 file then yeah you will have to re-run the dashboard to see the changes…as long as you follow instructions in the documentation for importing a module, you will only have to re-run the dashboard…probably testing outside of IIS with the -AutoReload parameter should help in testing stages :smile:

P.S I have not used this particular module myself yet…

thanks for the auto loader tip. i was working out of the wrong modules folder, saves werent being recognized :grin:

Hey…it was a monday. Im digging this AD module. i got some disable scripts that we use, which also ties in other 3rd party apps we turn down when someone offboards. as soon as i wire it in, gonna point the rest of the team at it. been struggling with how to understand state as im learning other front end web frameworks, but since i already understood powershell, im starting to recognize what folks keep doing with these endpoints at page load.

Glad to hear you are making good use of UD. I have started a blog site here

Which is a dedicated blog site to UD might help you out? Peace

thanks im gonna check it out.