PSU 2.5.0 hosted in IIS error

its the preload : true once i disable it the site works and if i enable it back the issue return. InProcess also start to work when disabling Preload Enabled : false

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Strange. I will have to look into that setting more closely.

I am running another 2.5.2 build that contains a fix for the OIDC\AppToken problem.

You need to have application initialization iis feature installed first then enable these settings on the site and you should be able to reproduce the issue

The nightly 2.5.2 worked for me. If I see anything weird I’ll post an update

Is that an extension you have to install on top of IIS? That would explain the difference in our environments, I only have AlwaysRunning set on start mode, but didnt see the options you showed for Preload Enabled, wasnt familiar with those.

IIS has a feature called application initialization which basically you need to install from server manager that will work with alwaysrunning to basically run the site right away instead of waiting for someone to hit the site.
Preload enable can be found under the iis site advanced settings.

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