PowerShell Universal Notebook

I’ve put together a PowerShell Universal Notebook. If you have .NET Interactive Notebooks installed in VS Code, you’ll be able to open and run it. Just save the script as a .dib file.


# Download and Start PowerShell Universal

The following command installs the `Universal` module and then downloads and starts the PowerShell Universal server. If you have the server already installed, this will just start the server. This example stores the configuration data in a temporary location. 


$Module = Import-Module Universal -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not $module) {
    Install-Module Universal -Scope CurrentUser -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

$Path = Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA "universal-notebook"
if (-not (Test-Path $Path))
    Install-PSUServer -Latest -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$TempStorage = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) (New-GUID)
$Env:Data__RepositoryPath = Join-Path $TempStorage "repository"
$Env:Data__ConnectionString = Join-Path $TempStorage "database.db"

$Universal = Start-PSUServer


# Connect to PowerShell Universal

The following generates an app token and connects the `Universal` module to the server.


Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:5000/api/v1/signin -Method Post -Body (@{
    Username = "admin"
    Password = "admin"
} | ConvertTo-Json) -SessionVariable Session -ContentType "application/json" | Out-Null

$AppToken = (Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:5000/api/v1/apptoken/grant -Method GET -WebSession $Session).Token

Connect-PSUServer -AppToken $AppToken -ComputerName http://localhost:5000


# Create an API

The following creates an API to return some data.


New-PSUEndpoint -Url "/data" -Method GET -Endpoint {
    Get-Service | Select-Object Name, Status -First 10


We can use `Invoke-RestMethod` to call our new endpoint.


Invoke-RestMethod http://localhost:5000/data


# Create a Script

The following creates a new script in PowerShell Universal and executes it. You can view the job by logging in to the admin console. You can use the user name `admin` with any password. 

[PowerShell Universal Admin Console](http://localhost:5000)


New-PSUScript -Name 'Script.ps1' -ScriptBlock {
    Start-Process Notepad

Invoke-PSUScript -Script 'Script.ps1'


# Create a Dashboard

The following creates a new dashboard. You can view the dashboard by [clicking here](http://localhost:5000/dashboard).


$Framework = Get-PSUDashboardFramework

New-PSUDashboard -Name 'Dashboard' -BaseUrl '/dashboard' -AutoDeploy -Content {
    New-UDDashboard -Content {
        New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello, world!'
} -Framework $Framework


# Stop PowerShell Universal

The following command stops PowerShell Universal and cleans up the temporary data folder.


$Universal | Stop-Process 
Start-Sleep 5
Remove-Item $TempStorage -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

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