Powershell Universal Database Usage Options, Beginner Help

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.0.4

Hello, i am pretty new to programming and Powershell Universal, so please bear with me.

Does Powershell Universal have a way to use it like a Database? Not sure how to phrase the question perfectly so here is my use case.

I want to store information regarding all our clients in Powershell. Somewhat similar to the following format.

PC-Name / Serial Number / Customer Name / Modell / OS

I then want to run a Powershell Script on all Clients we manage to query the “Database” of Powershell Universal, look if their Serial Number is saved and then for Example change their PC-Name according to the Entry.

Is Powershell Universal a good solution for what i want to do, or would i need to setup a separate Database to use in conjunction with Powershell Universal?

I wouldn’t recommend using PSU that way, depending on the amount of data, but it could somewhat be possible.
Jobs (running a script produces a job) stores its output in the PSU database for a set amount of time or until the job history kicks in.
A jobs output can be queried from powershell (maybe in your case an api).

In your case, create a script that produces the desired output, then from an api, grab the script output like this

(Get-PSUJobPipelineOutput -Job (Get-PSUScript -Name ‘ScriptThatgathers.ps1’ -Integrated | Get-PSUJob -Status Completed -OrderDirection Descending -First 1 -Integrated) -Integrated) | where-object Serialnumber -eq “SDFG2345G”

Then on your devices simply query the API
https://YourPSUServer.Domain.org/api/YourAPI/SerialNumberVariable here.

For data persistence I’d personally have a proper database created somewhere, to store the serialnumber data in.

Okay, thanks for your input.

We have Data which we want to store over long time, multiple years so it seems we have to create a database for it.