Hi all,
Disclaimer I am very new to PSU so please go easy on me!!
So my org uses windows task scheduler to execute PS scripts, we were looking for an alternative scheduler and I came across PSU.
I’ve managed to secure funding for 4 server licenses per year and need some guidance of how to achieve what I want.
We have 3 environments here, PROD, PRE PROD and TEST.
I’d like to have PSU installed as a service with a Windows account (service.app.psu) and have the password managed and rotated in CyberARK.
2 production nodes with a CyberARK managed account connecting to a SQL HA.
PRE PROD and TEST can just use standard LiteDB.and the service account passwords can be static.
Is this kind of setup possible?? If so how do I achieve this. I’ve added some questions below.
- Can PSU use a Service Account that is managed in CyberARK?
- How do I configure it in SQL to use HA?
- What size db would it need in SQL?
- Will I need the servers to have access to the internet or can I just allow firewall to access ironmans website?
- How is GIT used will that mean both nodes have the same scripts (GIT Noob btw)?
- How can I make PSU available to my team, cab I host on https:// and have windows sso with AD group?
- Once Apps are developed in PSU how can end users access them?
Thanks for all your help in advance.
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 1.4.6