PowerShell Universal - 3.3.2
Release Notes
- Fixed an issue where job run time would not be shown for jobs that didn’t succeed
- Fixed an issue where string parameter values would not show on the jobs page
- Increased Hangfire job timeout for LiteDB from 24 hours to 14 days.
- Fixed an issue where calling Invoke-PSUScript in integrated mode wouldn’t set the user name of the caller
- Fixed an issue where job output may not immediately be shown once it completed. It would state that the job didn’t have any output
- Fixed an issue where Get-PSUJobPipelineOuput -Integrated would throw an exception on failed jobs
- Fixed an issue where child and triggered jobs wouldn’t show up in the Script \ Jobs tab
- Fixed an issue where New-UDTreeView wouldn’t work properly when combining -Node with -OnNodeClicked
- Added missing Title plugin for New-UDChartJS
- Fixed an issue where 2 data grids on one page would cause rendering to fail
- Fixed an issue where a runspace would leak when saving changes with AutoDeploy leading to high memory usage. Much worse when using VS Code, the PSU extension and file.autoSave = afterDelay
- Fixed an issue where ScriptBlocks could be serialized from dashboards causing rendering issues
- Fixed an issue where git sync may not run due to the time zone and git sync interval
- Fixed an issue where duplicate computers could be listed in Platform \ Computers
- Fixed an issue where the heartbeat service would not run on each node properly
- Fixed an issue where identites would be stored in demo mode
- Fixed a display issue with the Settings \ General page
- Fixed an issue where git sync with an external client in init mode would throw the error: Git Error: error: unknown switch `M’
- Fixed an issue where proxy settings would not work for proxies without credentials