Pages - feature requests ;-)

we are experimenting more and more with pages and think they are great, super easy to build a simple form, but there are a couple of things we would like to be able to do.

access global cache as a datasource. we do this by calling a script in integrated env. but would be nice if we could just use cache directly.

add a hyperlink as a column type for a table (we can fake this by embedding a dashboard into a page),

somehow integrate the pages nav with dashboard nav. I can see some usecases where would like to use both a dashboard item which linked to a page, but we would need someway to manage nav. - but we are not sure if this would be possible


Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.10.x

I’ve opened issue for all of these. Good suggestions :slight_smile:

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Ooh I’ve got one.

If I use a “Form” component to execute a script and display its output as a table, I’d love a way to customise the columns of that table. I haven’t found a way to do that in 2.10.

Heck … even if I could drop a table component onto the same form and for its “source type” say “form” and point it at the form on the same page, rather than pointing it at a script or API.

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is there any update on integrating ‘pages’ and dashboard navigations, so we can a single navigation option which includes pages and dashboars?

is there any update on integrating ‘pages’ and dashboard navigations, so we can a single navigation option which includes pages and dashboards?

There hasn’t been any movement on this. There are technical reasons this is difficult. That said, you could accomplish this through the use of a dashboard and iframes to display pages. If you want an example, I’m happy to put one together.

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thanks I thought it might be tricky.

if you have time I would love to see an example.

Create a page without the header or the navigation.

In the dashboard, create a page specific to the udpage with the full page iframe that points to the page URL.

New-UDDashboard -Title 'PowerShell Universal' -Pages @(
    New-UDPage -Name 'Home' -Content {

    New-UDPage -Name 'Form' -Content {
        New-UDElement -tag 'iframe' -Attributes @{
            src = '/form'
            width = '100%'
            frameBorder = '0'
            style = @{
                position = 'absolute'
                height = '100%'
) -NavigationLayout permanent

Now the page will load within the dashboard.