Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 1.5.0
I have started playing with moving some dashboards to Universal. In playing with tables, I am pulling data from SQL. In the New-UDTableColumn, is it possible to get other properties returned?
Here is my code:
$TableColumns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property ApplicationName -Title Name -Filter -Render {
$Item = $EventData
Write-Debug $Item
$ApplicationsPKID = Item.ApplicationsPKID
New-UDLink -Id "link($EventData.ApplicationName)" -Text $EventData.ApplicationName -Url “/AppSupport/$ApplicationsPKID”
New-UDTableColumn -Property AppBriefDescription -Title Description -Filter -Search
New-UDTableColumn -Property VendorCompanyName -Title Vendor -Filter -Search
New-UDTableColumn -Property ProgrammingPlatform -Title Platform -Filter -Search
New-UDTableColumn -Property AppDeploymentStatus -Title Status -Filter -Search
$AppViewSQL = $AppViewSQL | Select-Object ApplicationName, AppBriefDescription, VendorCompanyName, ProgrammingPlatform, AppDeploymentStatus
New-UDTable -Data $AppViewSQL -Columns $TableColumns -Sort -Pagesize 150 -Search
In my first column, I am creating a link and I want to use the Primary Key to reference the dynamic page (instead of the application name). Is this possible to do on the fly like this with TableColumn?
I’m also having issues getting the -Pagesize to work. It will consistently only show me 10 rows.