February 21, 2023, 8:37pm
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.7.10
I got a table with all my SQL Instances, which is working just fine.
$Columns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property SQLInstanceName -Title "SQL Instance Name" -ShowFilter -ShowSort
New-UDTableColumn -Property Active -Title "Active" -ShowSort
New-UDTableColumn -Property DateAdded -Title "Date Added" -ShowFilter -ShowSort -SortType datetime
New-UDTableColumn -Property SQLInstanceNameButton -Title "View" -Render {
New-UDButton -Text "View" -OnClick {
New-UDPage -Title "$($EventData.SQLInstanceName)" -Url "/instances/all/$($EventData.SQLInstanceName)" -Content {
#Query data here based on the #EventData.SQLInstanceName
Invoke-UDRedirect "/instances/all/$($EventData.SQLInstanceName)" -OpenInNewWindow
New-UDGrid -Container -Content {
New-UDGrid -item -SmallSize 12 -Content {
New-UDCard -Title 'Select object type' -Content {
New-UDStack -Direction 'column' -Content {
$TableData = Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance "dk1sqlclu01ag02" -Database "Atria" -Query "select SQLInstanceName,Active,DateAdded from SQLInstances"
New-UDTable -Id 'NameSelection' -Data $TableData -Columns $Columns -ShowPagination -PageSize 10 -ShowExport -ShowSort -Title "SQL Instances" -DefaultSortDirection ascending -DisableMultiSelect -HideToggleAllRowsSelected
What i basically want is, when a user clicks on the “View” button, they should be redirect to a new page, and that $EventData.SQLInstanceName must be forwarded to that page, so that i can query the other tables based on the SQL Instance Name.
The new pages will be the same layout, but with different data based on the SQL Instance Name.
How do i achieve this? And where will i provide the code (New-UDGrid, etc) for that page?
February 21, 2023, 9:16pm
Just create a new page in your dashboard like normal, but define a variable in the URL .
Here is an example from my own dashboard…
$Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Computer Management' -URL '/computermanagement/:snid' -Content {
. "$UDScriptRoot\ComputerManagement.ps1"
} -NavigationLayout permanent -LoadNavigation $Navigation
Then to use it and feed it data, I have this as one of the columns.
New-UDTableColumn -Property "deviceName" -Title "Device Name" -IncludeInSearch -ShowFilter -Render {
New-UDGrid -Container -Children {
switch -wildcard ($Eventdata.Model) {
'Latitude*' { New-UDIcon -Icon Laptop -Size lg }
'OptiPlex*' { New-UDIcon -Icon Desktop -Size lg }
'Precision*' { New-UDIcon -Icon Desktop -Size lg }
'Virtual Machine' { New-UDIcon -Icon Cloud -Size lg }
Default {}
New-UDLink -Text $EventData.'deviceName' -url "ComputerManagement/$($EventData.SerialNumber)" -OpenInNewWindow
At this point, I have a variable available in that page called $snid
. In this case, it’s the serial number of a computer which I then use to perform various queries to pull device information.
February 22, 2023, 8:21pm
Thanks for the examples - it somewhat makes sense, but im stuck with a brainfart… i believe its due to the missing $sqlid variable, but i cant figure out, where to insert it. Can you help?
This is the dashboard:
$Navigation = @(
New-UDListItem -Label "Home" -OnClick {
Invoke-UDRedirect -Url '/home'
New-UDListItem -Label "Instances" -Children {
New-UDListItem -Label 'All Instances' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Microsoft) -OnClick {
Invoke-UDRedirect -Url '/instances/all'
$Pages = @()
$Pages += Get-UDPage -Name 'Instances'
$Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Home' -Content {
New-UDGrid -Container -Content {
$Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Instance' -URL '/instance/:sqlid' -Content {
New-UDDashboard -Title "SQL Board" -Pages $pages -Navigation $Navigation -NavigationLayout Permanent -HeaderContent {
New-UDButton -Text 'How to Guide' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Users) -OnClick {
Invoke-UDRedirect https://forums.ironmansoftware.com -OpenInNewWindow
} -Color info
New-UDButton -Text 'Create ticket' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Book) -OnClick {
Invoke-UDRedirect https://docs.ironmansoftware.com -OpenInNewWindow
} -Color info
This is the Instances page:
$Columns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property SQLInstanceName -Title "SQL Instance Name" -ShowFilter -ShowSort
New-UDTableColumn -Property Active -Title "Active" -ShowSort
New-UDTableColumn -Property DateAdded -Title "Date Added" -ShowFilter -ShowSort -SortType datetime
New-UDTableColumn -Property SQLInstanceNameButton -Title "View" -Render {
New-UDButton -Text "View" -OnClick {
New-UDLink -Text $EventData.SQLInstanceName -url "/instance/:sqlid" -OpenInNewWindow
New-UDGrid -Container -Content {
New-UDGrid -item -SmallSize 12 -Content {
New-UDCard -Title 'Select object type' -Content {
New-UDStack -Direction 'column' -Content {
$TableData = Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance "dk1sqlclu01ag02" -Database "Atria" -Query "select SQLInstanceName,Active,DateAdded from SQLInstances"
New-UDTable -Id 'NameSelection' -Data $TableData -Columns $Columns -ShowPagination -PageSize 10 -ShowExport -ShowSort -Title "SQL Instances" -DefaultSortDirection ascending -DisableMultiSelect -HideToggleAllRowsSelected
February 23, 2023, 1:59am
On the “Instances” page…
$Columns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property SQLInstanceName -Title "SQL Instance Name" -ShowFilter -ShowSort
New-UDTableColumn -Property Active -Title "Active" -ShowSort
New-UDTableColumn -Property DateAdded -Title "Date Added" -ShowFilter -ShowSort -SortType datetime
New-UDTableColumn -Property SQLInstanceNameButton -Title "View" -Render {
New-UDButton -Text "View" -OnClick {
New-UDLink -Text $EventData.SQLInstanceName -url "/instance/$($EventData.SQLInstanceName)" -OpenInNewWindow
New-UDGrid -Container -Content {
New-UDGrid -item -SmallSize 12 -Content {
New-UDCard -Title 'Select object type' -Content {
New-UDStack -Direction 'column' -Content {
$TableData = Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance "dk1sqlclu01ag02" -Database "Atria" -Query "select SQLInstanceName,Active,DateAdded from SQLInstances"
New-UDTable -Id 'NameSelection' -Data $TableData -Columns $Columns -ShowPagination -PageSize 10 -ShowExport -ShowSort -Title "SQL Instances" -DefaultSortDirection ascending -DisableMultiSelect -HideToggleAllRowsSelected
So, when creating a page with a variable use…
New-UDPage -Name "mytitle" -URL "/mypath/:myvar"
#When redirecting to the page, use..
New-UDLink -url "/mypath/$myvar
February 23, 2023, 7:51am
Thanks for the continued help
But i cant figure out, how to get the New-UDLink & New-UDPage working.
I ended up with this and i know the New-UDButton actually triggers the process - but nothing is happening.
$Navigation = @(
New-UDListItem -Label "Home" -OnClick {
Invoke-UDRedirect -Url '/home'
New-UDListItem -Label "Instances" -Children {
New-UDListItem -Label 'All Instances' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Microsoft) -OnClick {
Invoke-UDRedirect -Url '/instances/all'
$Pages = @()
$Pages += Get-UDPage -Name 'Instances'
$Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Home' -Content {
New-UDGrid -Container -Content {
$Pages += New-UDPage -Name 'Instance' -URL '/instance/:sqlid' -Content {
New-UDLink -url "/instance/:sqlid"
New-UDDashboard -Title "Operations" -Pages $pages -Navigation $Navigation -NavigationLayout Permanent -HeaderContent {
New-UDButton -Text 'How to Guide' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Users) -OnClick {
Invoke-UDRedirect https://forums.ironmansoftware.com -OpenInNewWindow
} -Color info
New-UDButton -Text 'Create ticket' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Book) -OnClick {
Invoke-UDRedirect https://docs.ironmansoftware.com -OpenInNewWindow
} -Color info
$Columns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property SQLInstanceName -Title "SQL Instance Name" -ShowFilter -ShowSort
New-UDTableColumn -Property Active -Title "Active" -ShowSort
New-UDTableColumn -Property DateAdded -Title "Date Added" -ShowFilter -ShowSort -SortType datetime
New-UDTableColumn -Property SQLInstanceNameButton -Title "View" -Render {
New-UDButton -Text "View" -OnClick {
New-UDLink -Text $EventData.SQLInstanceName -url "/instance/$($EventData.SQLInstanceName)" -OpenInNewWindow
New-UDGrid -Container -Content {
New-UDGrid -item -SmallSize 12 -Content {
New-UDCard -Title 'Select object type' -Content {
New-UDStack -Direction 'column' -Content {
$TableData = Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance "dk1sqlclu01ag02" -Database "Atria" -Query "select SQLInstanceName,Active,DateAdded from SQLInstances"
New-UDTable -Id 'NameSelection' -Data $TableData -Columns $Columns -ShowPagination -PageSize 10 -ShowExport -ShowSort -Title "SQL Instances" -DefaultSortDirection ascending -DisableMultiSelect -HideToggleAllRowsSelected