Can’t get the -RenderWhenActive on the New-UDTabContainer working. Not sure if I missed something, but going to this page. https://www.poshud.com/New-UDTabContainer I seed the same problem.
Exception calling “Invoke” with “0” argument(s): “Exception calling “Invoke” with “0” argument(s): “A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘RenderWhenActive’.””
I’m using version 2.6.2. I’m I missing something?
Welcome to the UD forum.
It seams that the parameter had been renamed or something like this. The parameter should be -RenderOnActive
based on the ps1 file.
function New-UDTabContainer {
[string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(),
End {
isPlugin = $true
assetId = $AssetId
type = "tab-container"
tabs = $Tabs.Invoke()
id = $id
renderOnClick = $RenderOnActive.IsPresent
This file has been truncated. show original
@adam FYI
was introduced in version 2.8.2
. You need to update, at least, to this version.
Version 2.8.2
@augustin.ziegler In the current release version 2.9.0
it is still -RenderWhenActive
I think in version 3.0.0 it is/will be rename to RenderOnActive
Edit: I think https://www.poshud.com/New-UDTabContainer is using the old name for the switch. Perhaps @adam should use an alias in the parameter definition in https://github.com/ironmansoftware/universal-dashboard/blob/d768cd40041d8c246c547e9af0afafdd96d40c8b/src/UniversalDashboard.Materialize/Scripts/tabs.ps1 to be backward compatible
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Thanks for pointing this out … couldnt find it in changelog on my mobile
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Thanks for finding that! Totally forgot I could check the code.