New-UDNivoChart in Dashboard

Hi all

I use PowerShell Universal (1.2.6) to automate our Tasks. This part works very well so far. Now I would like to implement a Dashboard to show the status of the orders, which are stored in a databse.

For this scenario I implemented a dashboard v3.0.0-beta6. But the New-UDNivoChart cmd is not available. Then I imported the module from the components manually:

Import-Module “C:\ProgramData\PowerShellUniversal\Dashboard\Components\UniversalDashboard.Charts\1.0.0\UniversalDashboard.Charts.psd1”

In the Log I see:

[07-01-20 09:04:19 AM] Loading command: New-UDMapMarker
[07-01-20 09:04:19 AM] Loading command: New-UDMapMarkerClusterLayer
[07-01-20 09:04:19 AM] Loading command: New-UDMapOverlay
[07-01-20 09:04:19 AM] Loading command: New-UDMapPopup
[07-01-20 09:04:19 AM] Loading command: New-UDMapRasterLayer
[07-01-20 09:04:19 AM] Loading command: New-UDMapVectorLayer
[07-01-20 09:04:19 AM] Loading command: New-UDNivoTheme

The only Nivo cmd which is loaded is New-UDNivoTheme. But there are no other nivo commands.
Have you any idea what I’m missing.

The behavior is the same when Universal is hosted as a Windows Service or under IIS


I’m having the same problem. Looking into it!

Not sure why this is happening, but you can import the reset of the cmdlets like this: C:\ProgramData\PowerShellUniversal\Dashboard\Components\UniversalDashboard.Charts\1.0.0\classes.dll

I’ll make sure this is fixed in our next build.

EDIT: Actually, I didn’t have to import the classes.dll directly. It’s just not listing the available commands in the log.

Hey @adam

Thanks a lot, as always a great job :smiley:

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Hi @adam

If I try to invoke New-UDNivoChart in the ISE, I get this error.
Still no luck with nivo charts.

New-UDNivoChart : Cannot bind parameter 'Data' to the target. Exception setting "Data": "Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file 
At line:1 char:28
+ New-UDNivoChart -Pie -Data @{ Status = "Completed"; Count = 2}
+                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (:) [New-UDNivoChart], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterBindingFailed,UniversalDashboard.Enterprise.NewNivoChartCommand 

Means this, that is in the classes.dll is a reference to Newtonsoft.Json.dll which is not shipped by the installer?

I’m not sure if actually executing the commands with work. Loading the module is only for intelliense. In version v1.3, we will be releasing cmdlets to allow for executing dashboards in the debugger.