New-UDCodeEditor Intellisense missing?


I’m playing around with the Code editor component.
In the docs, intellisense, or something like that, is shown in the sample screenshot.
I’m wondering what I’m missing for that to work.

The dashboard is being hosted in powershell, and visited from the same machine.

 $Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title "Code Editor" -Content {
    New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 30 -Endpoint {
        New-UDHeading -Text "Hello, World!" -Size 1
        New-UDCodeEditor -Language 'powershell' -Height '100ch' -Width '100cw' -Code 'Start-Process'

[int]$DashboardPort = 10001
[string]$DashboardName = "CodeEditor"

Start-UDDashboard -Dashboard $Dashboard -Name $DashboardName -Port $DashboardPort -AutoReload

@adamdriscoll, small detail that I didn’t want to make an entire issue about: little spelling mistake in the first code snippet in the docs, regarding width “-Width ‘100cw’”:

The “IntelliSense” just completes what is already in the editor. It’s not PowerShell intellisense, unfortunately. I’ve thought about integrating PowerShell Editor Services because it has a Web Socket channel you can use (I actually implemented it for them) but I haven’t futz’d around with it yet.

That explains it.