I’m playing around with the Code editor component.
In the docs, intellisense, or something like that, is shown in the sample screenshot.
I’m wondering what I’m missing for that to work.
The dashboard is being hosted in powershell, and visited from the same machine.
$Dashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title "Code Editor" -Content {
New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 30 -Endpoint {
New-UDHeading -Text "Hello, World!" -Size 1
New-UDCodeEditor -Language 'powershell' -Height '100ch' -Width '100cw' -Code 'Start-Process'
[int]$DashboardPort = 10001
[string]$DashboardName = "CodeEditor"
Start-UDDashboard -Dashboard $Dashboard -Name $DashboardName -Port $DashboardPort -AutoReload