New-UDChartJS - Height and Width

I’m trying to get a line chart to have a fixed height, but auto width.

No matter how I try height always scales with width - when put inside a constraining component like a Card or Div, the chart simply scales outside whats visible.

Can this be achieved?

I found no solution that worked with my way of thinking.

Instead of looking for a solution to specify a set height, I found a solution to change the aspect ratio,

Responsive Charts | Chart.js (

$Options = @{
    Type          = 'line'
    Data          = $PingReportCombinedScoreList
    Dataset       = $DataSet
    LabelProperty = "Date"
    Options       = @{
        aspectRatio = 3 # <------------- heigher number = smaller
        scales      = @{
            yAxes =
                display     = $true
                beginAtZero = $false
New-UDChartJS @Options